0135-2978409, 2978410

Research & Publication

Research & Publication

S.No Name of Authors/Faculty Department Designation Title of the Research Paper/Article Author/ Co-Author/ Attended/ Participated Name of the Journal Details of the publication (year, Volume Issue): Page number, ISSN number, impact factor if any
1 Dr. Gautam Sarkar Biochemistry Prof. & HoD Sympathetic overactivity predicts micro - albuminuria in pregnancy. Inder Pal Kaur, Sukanya Gangopadhyay, Kiran Singh, Mamta Tyagi, Gautam Sarkar Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research Vol. 12, Page 8-12, Published year 01.12.2018
Effects of Stress on cortisol and vanillylmandelic acid levels Meenakshi Panthari, Akash Gupta, Suryakant Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Gautam Sarkar International Joural of Medical Science and Innovative Res. Page 117-120, Published year June 2018
A Study on Association of Degree of Physical Exercise and Plasma 25-(OH) Vitamin D levels Sandeep S Soam, Thokcham O Singh, Sonam Chaturvedi, Gautam Sarkar Ind. J. Of Med Biochemistry Page 90-93 Published year June 2018
Serum Creatinine & eGFR are affected in female ypothyroid patients with poor thyroid control S Dhivya, Sukanya Gangopadhyay, Pradeep Kumsar, Gautam Sarkar Asian Journal of Pharmacy & technology 241-244 Published Year - 10/2020
2 Dr. Anuradha Bharosay Biochemistry Professor Role of Brain Biomarker in Predicting Clinical Outcome in Hypertensive Cerebrovasular Ischemic Stroke Anuradha Bharosay, Vivek Vikram Bharosay, Kiran Saxena, Meena Varma Ind J Clin Biochem ISSN 0970-1915 33:178-183DOI 10.1007/s12291-017-0664-3(2018)
Evaluate the status of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with urinary Albumin Cretinine Ratio and to see its association with ECG changes in chronic kidney diseses Anuradha Bharosay, Tariq Jalaly, Vivek Vikram Bharosay, Palak Talreja Global Journal For Research Analysis Vol 9; Issue 3; March 2020ISSN No. 2277-8160 (March 2020)
3 Dr. Yogendra Kumar Radiology Asso. Professor 3-Tesla MRI Evaluation of intraspinal, extramedullary nonosseus neoplastic lesions Co-Author West Africal Journal of Radiology Volume 25/issue 1/Jan-June 2018
A Prospectiv e study to assess ultrasonography in diagnosis of acute right lower quadrant pain in a tertiary care hospital in bareilly Author  International Archieves of Biomedical and Clinical Research Volume 6/Issue2/April June 2020 E ISSN 2454-9894
Cysticercosis using hish resolution Ultrasonography Author International Archieves of Biomedical and clinical Research Volume 6/Issue 4/October- December 2020 E-ISSN:2454-9894
4 Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak Biochemistry Professor Association Between Thyroid Hormone Disorders and Renal Dysfunction. Mushir Ahmad, Anil Sharma, Shahid Iqbal, S.Nagtilak, Naved Ahmad International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 9(1), 23-26, 2018
Role of Circulation C Reactive Protein in Thyroid Disorders Naved Ahmad, S.Nagtilak, Anil Kumar Sharma, Pawan Parashar, Amit Rastogi Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 6(2), 485-489, 2018
Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Cardiovasular Disease in Rural and Urban Patients in North India Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7(7), 1066-1072, 2018
Screening for Cangenital Hypothyroidism in Greater Noida by Measurement of Umbilical Cord Thyroxine (Free) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone : A Multicentric Hospital Based Study Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7(7), 1066-1072, 2018
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Risk Factors of Metablic Syndrome in Rural Population of Greater Noida U.P. (India) Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 6(1), 832-838, 2018
Neonatal Screening for Congenial Hypothyroidism in Tertiary Care Centers Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 6(1), 685-690, 2018
Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and its Relationship with components of Metabolic Syndrome Naved Ahmad, S.Nagtilak, Anil Kumar Sharma, Amit Rastogi and Mushir Ahmad International Journal of Biomedical Research 09(07): 248-251, 2018
Effects of Stress on cortisol and vanillyl mandelic acid levels Meenakshi Panthari, Akash Gupta, Gautam Sarkar, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research 3(2): 117-120, 2018
Microalbuminuria - A Possible Marker for Stress Meenakshi Panthari, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Divya Srivastava, Gautam Sarkar International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research 3(4): 212-216, 2018
Association of adiponection with components of metabolic Syndrome in wertern Prema Adhikar, S.Nagtilak, Pawan Parashar International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research 3(6): 215-221, 2018
The Study on Thyroid Status among Newborns on Gautam Buddha Nagar District in Inda Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9(6):14-154, 2018
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - A Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome in Urban Population of North India. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9(6):176-181, 2018
Metabolic Syndrome in urban and Rural Population of Grater Noida National Capital Region of India Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak Indian Asian Journal of Pharmacitical and Clinical Research 110-114, 2018
Clinical and Hormonal Profile of Hypogonadism Ranjit Ambad, Manoj Naphade, S.Nagtilak International Journal of Medical Science & Diagnosis Research 3(4), 167-171, 2019
Evaluation and Assissment of Serum Prolactin Levels in Hypothyroidism Shahid Iqbal, Mushir Ahmad, Navel Ahmad, Akash Gupta, S.Nagtilak Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 7(2)m 122-128, 2019
Efficacy of Liver Function Test in Patients with Symptomatic Gall Stone Disease Pravin Shirke, S.Nagtilak International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies 3(6), 271-275, 2019
Evaluation and Assissment of Serum Prolactin Levels in Hypothyroidism Shahid Iqbal, Mushir Ahmad, Navel Ahmad, Akash Gupta, S.Nagtilak Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 7(7), 154-157, 2019
Association of lipid Profile with Body mass index in Gall stone Disease Dr. Pravin Shirke, S.Nagtilak International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies 3(7), 193-197, 2019
An Evaluation to find out the relationship between adiponection and insulin resistance among type 2 diabetic and non diabetics patients: A case control study Rajmangal Chaudhary, S.Nagtilak, Pankaj Chaudhary, S.K.Shukla International Journal of Scientific Research 8(9), 1-2, 2019
Can protenuria be used as a routine diagnostic aid for psychological stress? Meenakshi Panthari, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Divya Srivastava, Gautam Sarkar Int. J of Clin. Biochem 7(5), 8-11, 2020
Modern Therapeutics Applications, Guest Editorial S.Nagtilak Int. J of Current Research and Review 12(14), Special Isue July 2020
Relationship between adinopectin & uric acid with inflammation in pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome Prema Adhikar, S.Nagtilak, Pawan Parashar Int. J of Clin. Biochem 7(3), 1-6, 2020
Association of adiponection & Leptin withinsulin Reisstance in type - 2 diabetes Rajmangal Chaudhary, S.Nagtilak, S.K.Shukla Int. J of Clin. Biochem 7(4), 446-450, 2020
Elucidation of in vitro Anticancer effect of Lutein on Hela Cells Alok Saxena, Anupama Mahajan, S.Nagtilak, S.N. Bahuguna Journal of Advance Med. & Dental Sciences Research 8(12), 229-236, 2020
In vitro Anti proliferative Activity of Fucoxanthin on Hela cells Alok Saxena, Anupama Mahajan, S.Nagtilak, S.N. Bahuguna Journal of Anatomical Science 28(2), 1-12, 2020
Study of Glutathione S transferases and Malondialdehyde Levels in Male Smokers from Vidharbha Region Ranjit Ambad, S.Nagtilak, Ankita Knodalkar and Ashish Anjankar India Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(36B): 167-172, 2021
Glutathione-s-Transferase Pi and Malondialdehyde in Alcoholic  Ranjit S. Ambad, S.Nagtilak,Gangaram Bhadarge and Maghali Kaple Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(37A):26-30, 2021
Study of Glutathione S transferases and Reduced Glutathione Receiving Chemotherapy Ranjit S. Ambad, S.Nagtilak,Gangaram Bhadarge and Maghali Kaple Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(39A):134-140, 2021
Role of Hypomagnesaemia in Promotion of Metabolic Syndrome in Premenopausal Women Deepa Gupta, Suryakant Nagtilak, Prateek Agrawal, Kalyani Deshmukh, Aditi Jindel and Neelima Singh Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(03), 655-661, 2022
5 Dr. Neelam Goyal Obs & Gyn Professor Continence Outcome following Needle less operation (Vaginal approach) using indrgenous Mesh Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Sanjay Goyal International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2016-November, Volume 5, Issue 11
Outcome of self administered Medical Abortion pills by patients Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Sanjay Goyal International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nov-16
Study of Prevalance of Araenia in Pregnant women in Labor Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Harshita Panday International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology July 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 7
Changing trends of Indication of Caesareaw Aectioes Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Harshita Panday International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology July 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 7
6 Dr. Gaurav Singh General Surgery Senior Resident Measurement of Intra Abdominal Pressue in Acute Pancreatitis and Collelation with Parameters and Outcomes Dr. Krishna Murty (AP) & Dr. Sanjay Pandey (MS) International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR) Volume - 10, 3 March 2021, Paper ID - SR21305100312
7 Dr. Arushi Dhall Radiology Senior Resident MRI evalutation of knee trauma and its correration T Clinical examination & orthoscopic findings Dr. B.B.Thukral, Dr. Sachin Agarwal, Dr. Aruni Swarup, Dr. Arushi Dhall International Journal of Radiology and Dignostic Imaging 2021, Vol 4:1, pg no. 84-87, ISSN No. (P-ISSN) 2664-4436
Case Series of Rapid Spntareons Resolution of Assive Accute Segdural Hematoma Dr. Siddhant Kumar, Dr. Abhinav Bansal, Dr. Vikul Kumar Tyagi, Dr. Arushi Dhall IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2020, Vol 19, Issue 8, Series 12 ISSN-2279-0853, pg no. 9-12
Incidentally deteeted Prerrary Hyperparathyoidesn Dr. Sural Saran, Dr. Yash Sharma, Dr. Tanvi Khann, Dr. Arushi Dhall Airals of African Medicine 2020, Vol 19, Issue 1, pg no. 71-72, ISSN-1596-3519
8 Dr. Yashi Radiodignostic  Assis. Prof. Correlation of Ultrasound findings with histopathology of Pelvic masses in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Yashi International Journal of Health Science and Research January 2019, Vol 9, Issue 1, Page 46-52, ISSN No. 2249-9571
9 Dr. Swatantra Nigotia Radiodignostic  Senior Resident Ultrasound evluation of peripheral arterial disease with clinical correlation Swantra Nigotia, Shubhda Sagar, Brij Bhusan Thukral, Medha Goel International Journal Medical and Health Research ISSN: 2454-9142, Received 05.12.2020, Accepted : 19.12.2020 Published : 05.01.2021, Volume 7; Issue 1, 2021, Pg No. 04-10
10 Dr. Shailja Khansili General Medicine Assis. Prof. Evaluation of Correlation between mean platelet count and other platelet indices in patients with dengue fever Shailja Khansili, Nitin K Bansal Paripex - Indian Journal of Research April - 2019, Volume - 8 Issue - 4, Print ISSN No. 2250-1991
11 Dr. Tamishi Sharma TB & Chest Medicine Senior Resident To study the drug ressistance pattern in cases ofdiatrtes with OPTB in Western UP Tamishi Sharma, Uma Chaudhary, Sukhbir Singh, Vivek Gautam International Journal of Medical and Health Research ISSN: 2454-9142, Published 29-06-2021, Volume 7, Issue 6, 2021 Page No. 40-45
12 Dr. Siddharth Mangla General Medicine Senior Resident To study cirrelal b/w Insulin Desesla & Hypertensur cir Hypertensive potential Dr. Nishant Wadhera, Dr. Abhishek Gupta, Dr. Saurabh Singhal JEBMH Journal of Evidence based Medicine & Health PISSN - 2349-2562, e ISSN - 2349-2570, Vol 7, Issue - 44, November 2, 2020 Impacl - 557
Comparative Analyse of D demes & februages as severety marker instagged caused in tartiary hospital Dr. Vivek Singh, Dr. Saurabh Singh IJSR (International Journal of Science & Research) ISSN 2277-8179, Vol - 10, Issue - 2, February 2021, IF - 7, 583
13 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Dhanda General Medicine Professor To Study the role of Ascitic fluid cholesterol in differential diagnosis of Ascites Dr. Narayanjeet Singh, Dr. Madhu Lata Rana Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) Feb - 2017, Vol - 7, Issue - 2, Pg No. 122-126, ISSN No. 2249-555X, IF - 3.919
To Study the Clinical Profile of Pelvic Malignancies and Its Impact on Quality of Life Dr. Narayanjeet Singh, Dr. Madhu Lata Rana International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) March - 2017, Vol - 6, Issue - 3, Pg No. 306-309, ISSN No. 2277-8179, IF - 4-176
To Evaluate and compare the safety and eficacy o fincretins and secretogogues based therapy in Inadequategy controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus Dr. Prashant Mathur, Meenakshi Tyagi Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) May - 2020, Vol - 10, Issue - 5, Pg No. 47-51, ISSN - 2249-555X DOI - 10-36 106/IJAR
To Study the Role of Ascitic fluid cholesterol in differential malignanant and Tubercular Ascites Dr. Arun Pandey International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) May - 2020, Vol - 9, Issue - 5, Pg No. 15-18, ISSN - 2279-8179, DOI: 10-36106/ IJSR
14 Dr. Shashi Munjal  Mongia Anatomy Professor & Head CRYONICS: A STEP TOWARDS IMMORTALITY (ANATOMICAL, MEDICO LEGAL & ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS. Participated JIAFM 29 (3) 10-12 (2007)
Placenta The Wonder Organ Author JOURNAL INDIAN ACAD FORENSIC MED APRIL-JUNE 2011,Vol 33,No 2. Page 140-142.
PREVALENCE OF PONTICULUS POSTICUS OF ATLAS: A RADIOLOGICAL AND CADAVERIC STUDY IN HILLY REGION OF UTTRAKHAND Author National Journal Of Medical and Dental Research April-June 2013:Volume-1.Issue-3, page 28 33
Neural crest cell lineage study- Gene markers Co-Author Medical Council of India & Indian Council of Medical Research Educational Abstracts Book  
FGFR2- An Autosomal Dominant Bone Disorder Marker Participated Medical Council of India & Indian Council of Medical Research Educational Abstracts Book  
The mylohyoid bridging: incidence and clinical implications”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Participated Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Vol2, Issue 27, July 8; Page: 4974-4982
Gender Based Difference in Color Vision in Myopic Subjects Participated International Journal of Physiology 2013; 1 (1) : 1-4
Placental Histomorphology: A Predictor of foetal outcome in multiparous women. Author International Journal of Medical  Research and Health Sciences 2014; 3(2): 350-353.
Morphometric analyses of sella turcica in North Indian population:a radiological study Participated International journal of Recearch in Medical Sciences 2014;2(2):521-526
Comparative Study of Mandibular Cortical Index in Orthopentogram and Bone Mineral Density of Lumber Vertebrae in Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Postmenopausal Female in North India Participated Journal of Surgical Acadmia 2014;4(1):14-19.
Sutural Morphology of Pterion in Uttarakhand Region Participated J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 8/ Issue 43/ Oct. 28, 2019
Gender Preference for auditory versus visual routes for memorization Participated IJPP 2016; 60: 62-69
15 Dr. Suchit Kumar Anatomy Associate Professor Pterion-its location and clinical implication-A study Compared Author Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences vol-2,issue25,june242013,pg-4599-4608
Neural crest cell lineage study- Gene markers. Participated Medical Council of India & Indian Council of Medical Research Educational Abstracts Book   
FGFR2- An Autosomal Dominant Bone Disorder Marker. Author Medical Council of India & Indian Council of Medical Research Educational Abstracts Book  
Correlation between Deviated Nasal Septum and Sinusitis: A Clinical and  Histopathological Study. Participated International journal of scientific studies. 2016; 4(1):21-24.
Study of Cranial Capacity & Its Sexual Dimorphism in Adult Human Skulls. Co- Author Ann. Int. Med. Den.Res. 2018; 4(4):AT26-AT28.
Sutural Morphology of Pterion in Uttarakhand Region Co- Author Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 8/ Issue 43/ Oct. 28, 2019.
16 Mr. Alok Saxena Anatomy Assistant Professor Elucidation of in-vitro Anticancer Effects of Lutein on HeLa Cells Author Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research 2020: 7(12). 229-36
In vitro Anti-proliferative Activity of FucoxanthinonHeLa Cells Author  J Anat Sci 2020 Dec;28(2): 01-12
Impact of social networking sites on daily activities of Medical undergraduates in Himalayan region of Uttarakhand Co- Author International Journal of Scientific Research. 2018:7(8);68-69
Role of cardiac markers in central obesity in population of Punjab Participated International Journal of Current Advance Research 2018: 7(7B);13966-70
Morphometric and morphological analysis of spleen Participated International jounal of scientific research 2018:7 (1);10-12
Developmentally and Clinically defined Rare Anomalous Muscles in Brachium and Antebrachium Author IJARS 2018:7(1); 01-03.
Some Variable Facts of Liver: Embryological and Clinical Perspective Author International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016; 5(1) :64-67.
Clinical and embryological rationale of occipitalization of atlas Author The Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review. 2016;5(4):2361-2364
Variations of origin of coronary artery and their importance Participated J Morphol Sci 2015; 32(1): 1-7.
Morphometry and anatomical variations of flexor digitorumsuperficialis Co- Author J Morphol Sci. 2015;32(1) : 8-11
Anomalous course of chorda tympani nerve: an operative finding Co- Author Ind. J. Sci. Res. and Tech 2015 3(3):10-11
A biceps plantaris in the popliteal region Participated European Journal of Anatomy. Eur. J. Anat. 18 (1): 32-33 (2014)
 Deceptive food advertisements in India.  Participated Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research 2013;3(1): 132-35
Prevalence of digital dermatoglyphics in hilly region; Medicolegal significance. Participated Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences 2013; 32(32): 1338-42.
Morphology of the superior gluteal nerve: A study in adult human cadaver.  Participated BratislLekListy 2013; 114 (7):409-12
Scientific evaluation of the scholarly publication of an author..  Author Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2013(4)2; 125-129
Anatomical variations of ulnar artery in hand: clinical importance.  Participated Siriraj Med J 2013;65: 117-119.
A rare finding of superficial palmar arch: developmental and clinical significance.  Author Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013 (7); 706-708.
Exceptional finding of gantzer’s muscles depicting their applied aspects.  Author Singapore Med J 2013; 54(5):e1-e3
A cadaveric report of unilateral fibularistertius in absentia: A Clinical Perspective.  Author Int J Anat Variation 2013(6); 20- 21.
An innominate muscle in popliteal region: clinical exposition.  Author Siriraj Med J 2013; 65:85-87
Morphometry and magnetic resonance imaging of anterior cruciate ligament and measurement of secondary signs of anterior cruciate ligament tear.  Author BratislLekListy. 2012; 113(9):539-543.
Effect of cyclophosphamide exposure on the migration of primordial germ cells in rat fetuses.  Participated BratislLekListy 2012;.113(11):637-40
General assumption of psychological behaviour based on finger print pattern.  Participated Journal of Biology and Life Science.. 2012; 3:1-8
Signalled roads to memory and its degeneration.  Participated Annals of NeuroSciences 2012; 19(2):84-87.
Ovarian development in wistar rat treated prenatally with single dose diisobutyl phthalate.  Participated BratislLekListy 2012;113(10):577-82
Morphometry and CT measurements of useful bony landmarks of skull base. Participated RJME. 2011; 52:873-877.
Rarely encountered ophthalmic aneurysm in cadaver- a case report.  Co- Author Int J Anat Variation 2011; 180-181.
17 Dr. Shashi Kiran Shukla Anatomy Assistant Professor Impact of Placental Morphometric Measurments on the Body Mass Index of new-borns Participated Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research  
18 Dr. Sumita Agarwal Anatomy Assistant Professor An observational study of Enthesopathy in dried Human Scapulae Author Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & clinical research Vol 13, Issue 12,2020 Print ISSN-0974-2441 Online ISSN- 2455 3891
SJIF Impact Factor - 7.292
Clinical relevance of Heterotopic ossification of Hip & Pelvic Bones Muscles & Ligaments Author Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & clinical research Vol 15, Issue 2, 2022 Print ISSN-0974-2441 Online ISSN- 2455 3891
SJIF Impact Factor - 7.292
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